
Some egregious examples come to mind, like Shawn Thornton with the late low hit last year, or Jordan Staal this year with the dive into the back of his leg.

I understand it for reasons of safety. But then again, every other sport does this, and every other sport has players who have to just deal with it.

Cooke in my opinion is worse than most NHL goons. Guys like John Scott and Donald Brashear would at least be honest about their thuggery. They’d come out onto the ice and try to hurt someone, and that was their job.

As a hockey fan, I still have no fucking idea why it is that they don’t disclose injuries. I don’t think there is anything particularly bad or sinister about it, but it just feels stupid that they don’t specify when they clearly can.

People have more money than I do, and are probably white, so therefore, douche bros.

Just wait until the Aaron Hernandez story gets turned into a movie.

I’m hoping that Brenda Frese just walks over and starts wailing the shit out of him on Sunday, because lets be honest, which women’s coach who has to live in this guy’s shadow and deal with his prickishness doesn’t want to do that, but still, he’s got a point.

The way I see it, free market at work. If you choose to do this, you are losing out on business, and therefore, you're going to be punished for that in your bottom line. And besides, would you really want to buy something from a known homophobe?

To be fair, last night he scored on that play and really was trying to play the game rather than be a thug. But generally, Kreider is very dirty.

If Lorenzen hasn't patented that and the "Hefty Lefty" yet, he better get on that fast.

It would be so much more gory if it was with the Jets, though. Too bad they don't have Rex Ryan there anymore.

I gotta admit, Rooney has been pretty damn solid lately, and has been a mainstay of that team somehow for ten years.

Man, if only you lived in Italy.....Bunga Bunga, Baby.....

I mean, as an elected official, he is representing the people and doing what he is allowed to do. If there was an issue with the guy, people shouldn't have elected him, especially given how he was taking Ram's money, which is public information.

Van Gundy

Well, he was talking with Simmons, so.....

The cornerstone of that offense are backdoor screens and multiple lane cuts, and the Cavs do not do either with much frequency. It is an isolation based offfense, clearly, and Princeton sets are rarely used. The only time they are used is if Lebron is not on the court.

I wouldn't hate on that, though. You do what you have to to make money in sports reporting. Its the same reason why Rovell doesn;t piss me off. Just a guy doing a job that we all think is stupid but hey, he's got money as a result of it.

I mean, I'm pretty awesome in my beer league indoor team as a forward. Just sayin'

Holy shit, Stephanie McMahon is still really fucking hot.