
I think this might be the saddest thing I've heard of in the last week. This guy, and all the other superfans out there, its just sad.

They get a lot of crossover season ticket holders from their MLS team, which is the most intensly supported MLS team in the league, so I can kind of see why its so damn loud. Then again, I went to a game in the old King Dome when I was a kid and nothing in my view was ever louder than that place in a big game.

Read: They're not as white anymore, and therefore, my racism is targeted more at their fans rather than their players, because one and dones aren't nearly as offensive to me as gawky ass white dudes like Greg Paulus, JJ Reddick, and Mike Dunleavy.

He looks KGB as fuck right here.

This guy is a bonafide fucktard. I mean, he had to know that he couldn't do this again, right? If not, than he is a moronic fucktard, and if so, than he is a willingly moronic fucktard.

Yeah, they should have kept him on the team and not done anything about him domestically abusing again. Okay.

Jacksonville State all the way. Nobody gives out fifth chances like Jacksonville State.

He's being used clearly incorrectly. Doc thinks he's a stretch 4 who should be used as a sniper when in reality, he's a versatile 4 who can crash the boards. and has a decent mid range game which they aren't letting him use.

If Snyder was in his box cackling like an evil mastermind, I'd give him props. I mean, this would take some serious ability to pull off. Then again, he runs the Redskins, so I am just going to assume it was an accident.

I guess to each their own. If she at least is up front with it all and everyone is on the same page, sure, but the over analysis of double standards gets a bit stupid. Everyone has their own quirks, and what that guy said about it makes sense to me. My fiancee really likes to go down on me, and while I enjoy it, I'm

I think its more that this was at UNH rather than Duke or UNC.

I had sort of a similar incidence, except I was 14 and my friend was a Rob Schneider fan and we ended up seeing one of the Deuce Bigalow movies, and it was aggressively awful to the point of me wondering if someone was playing a joke on the audience with it.

"Stu-dent Ath-o-letes!! That there is brilliant, suh!!"

I think you should take ISIS at their word instead of trying to assign them motives. The idea behind ISIS is to reestablish the Caliphate, as they have clearly stated and defined. They want to take the maximum extent of the Abbasid Caliphate, and combine that with the maximum extent of the Ottoman Empire, untied under

"quite probably the biggest jerk in all of Chicago"

Make the networks pay for it. The owners have all the leverage here, and not exercising it would be foolish. They have no skin in this game, but making the networks sweat a little bit might do them some good and allow them to make even more money.

They have a winning product. It is basically the only thing that his consistently gained ratings in the last decade after the golden age of TV and is likely going to be making tons of money for the next 30 years. Don't mess with a solid product. It works.

Its gotten to a point where getting outraged over A-Rod is just stupid in my view.

I would however trust Hoover to blackmail the shit out of anyone who has ever been anyone. The dude was good at what he did. Sometimes the best kind of good guy is a bad guy.

I suppose there is a market for this? Right? Right?