
IWA MS is pretty awful as far as this shit goes. I mean, CZW is terrible but they at least have some modicum of standards, and ROH, TNA, WWE, NJPW have tough schedules but you don't see shit like this regularly there.

And they got Blount back for almost nothing. In fact, I think they just used whatever Loose Change they had on hand to pay him.

It feels like Sixers management is drifting along aimlessly not really trying too hard to succeed and convincing themselves that there is time in the future to get better at things, and overall just sort of ignoring the fact that they have a ton of potential not being used all that well right now.

To be fair, they are really not that bad. I mean, this was garbage, but on average, they are a middle of the road squad worldwide capable of occasionally surprising you, and on a regional level, they are solidly towards the top.

"Is he a brother, or is he a cornball brother?"

I'm just waiting for Kelly to come out and admit that he was trolling everyone the entire time and is secretly on Jerry Jones's payroll and was playing the long game.

I love it when old people use technology.

The Ravens have the most paranoid, victimized, conspiracy driven fanbase outlook perhaps in the history of sports, and you can chalk some of that up to the area, where most fans of other teams are like this (I love Maryland Basketball and Football, but goddamn, we are assholes), however, it seems like its an

Bitch fights are usually funnier when its Poor Black guys doing it.

Seems like a pretty clear cut case. The heat between these franchises seems legit to me, though. Nothing friendly about it.

I think Clayton had some Loose Change in his back pocket and Carroll was taking a closer look.

Not a bad idea. People will gladly listen to something most likely not all that interesting if they think its pissing someone who they aren't a fan of off.

Reigns/Bryan was actually a really cool feud. I'd like to see that again.

Brock vs Rock? That would probably be the highest grossing WM main event I can think of. Not even Hogan vs. Rock would touch that in my view considering WWE now has the network.

Naw man, Darren Sharper was the ideal citizen for Vikings players to look up to. Return to those days, please.

There is a reason Mike Trout is being paid a shit ton more money than you, Brandon. In addition to not saying dumbass things like this, he gets on base.

Vincent Kennedy McMahon begs to differ, dammit. Wee-L-C this year, Hornswoggle vs. El Torito, was fucking money.

Kind of a difference between offensive nuclear missiles and defensive, likely ineffective and unimportant antimissiles.

I get your point, but the US intervened several times in Mexico during their Civil Wars, seizing VeraCruz in 1914 and sending a force under Pershing to hunt down Pancho Villa.

I genuinely feel bad for this guy. He just doesn't seem to get it that on the stuff he is right about, nobody cares or resents the fact that he is stating what we all know, and what he is wrong on, he is utterly clueless as to why people are getting so angry about the fact that he is blatantly incorrect, and above