
I mean, I'd make them pay for it too. Think about it, they don't really have a ton of options, so if I was running this thing as an NFL official, I'd think, hey, this is a profit making opportunity that shouldn't be passed up on.

To be honest, WVU is the only school that can match our level of classlessness in terms of treatment of the opposition. When Maryland fans can take the high road, you know you fucked up.

I mean, lets be honest here, if we are talking about a bicyclist, this guy should get a medal for doing what we all have fantasized about at some point.

This is why I fucking hate those left wing scumbags at Anonymous. I have a feeling a lot of them are like this.

The Authority is so fucking awesome at being trolls. They are really epic as heels, and I can just imagine the smarmy awesomeness that such a reveal would bring.

Every year, I ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LOVE when an underachieving power conference team with a double digit seed knocks out an overachieving small school that is having their best season ever. I just love that so much.

I found out the other day that my roommate, who I had known for about 2 weeks an thought was a nice guy (he brought an XBox), although a bit too into pot, was a 9/11 truther.

This is amazing. I shit you not, I am in that fucking picture. It was the MD-OSU game (massive blowout of course) and I am the guy in the 33 jersey with the hat with his hands in the air. I think they were tossing out free T-shirts at this moment. I wish they got a picture of the signs that said "Win or Lose, We don't