Red Guard

Does yours?

“In 2007, the numbers were 1,640 female victims to 700 male victims.”

In 2007, the numbers were 1,640 female victims to 700 male victims.

In 2007, the numbers were 1,640 female victims to 700 male victims.

So what? The numbers are close enough that this is clearly not a man vs woman political problem. Women kill.

In 2007, the numbers were 1,640 female victims to 700 male victims.

Thank you for proving his point, dimwit. Women in 2007 men killed only at a little over twice the rate the men did. As he said, women do it all the time. He didn’t claim women do it as often. And the rates weren’t “per capita” they were “per capita MURDERED.”

Geez Jezbians are dim.

Hardly, troll. He’s responding to the attempts by the Jezbians politicize the murders.

Only 5? I hope you at least blew up the restaurant.

Except that they aren’t.

Men are killed at 5x the rate, moron.

As I’m sure you can see, neither is yours.

You are confused. As Mr Ogny has explained, you have to take into account murder by all other sources pushing the percentage by intimate partners down. In terms of absolute numbers, women kill SOs in numbers comparable to men, women just don’t get murdered near as often. If men stopped getting killed by non-intimate

No, you apparently don’t, even after several others have tried patiently to explain it.

Dunno how many kill due to domestic violence - how many men do in response to domestic violence?

You got spanked, dear.

You got the point. This isn’t an example of something men do to women and not the other way around. Women kill their SOs at a rate comparable to men killing their SOs.

Why don’t you try reading the thread and then vomit?

News flash for Jezbians: money buys shit. You don’t get the same amenities, why would you expect that?

And they promised me lots of money!