Red Guard

Do you believe the woman who falsely accused Banks of rape should be prosecuted? I know the school district sued and won a large judgement against her, but I don’t think that is a fair and adequate punishment. She should be prosecuted for filing false reports, and I think her punishment should mirror what he got.

You understand that that is an extremely biased interpretation, right? If most purported rapists are never found guilty of rape, then how is it determined that a rape did in fact occur for which he was not found guilty? The rapists who are found guilty go to jail as rapists, the falsely accused who have been proved

“It’s statistically negligible!”

“Misogyny” is the next thing I expect to read, followed by “shaming”.

The common denominator in almost every one of these cases is that someone gets too emotionally invested in the outcome. The problem is that rape is a crime that evokes such strong emotional reactions, making it easy to overlook shortcomings in the case. Add to that the problem that physical evidence of rape can be

One of the the things modern feminism always conveniently forgets to mention is how white women are much better off than minority men.

Addiction is also an illness but we don’t say “oh, you’re ill, you can’t help it,” when someone DUIs. Mental illness does not mean you are not still accountable for your actions.

Ah, I guess that absolves her of contributing to her nine-year-old son backing the family car into a school bus, potentially harming a couple dozen kids.

This lady’s illness put her own child in the hospital. She can’t avoid driving where she lives. As is, she is not fit to drive. I hate to do this but: what if that bus had been full of someone else’s kids? Her right to not get help stops when it affects others who can’t avoid HER and are utterly dependent on her. The

The top comment is one about mental illness — I must be reading Jezebel.

I completely agree. I hate gay people and people seem to think it’s perfectly alright to judge me for my homophobia. Try walking a mile in my shoes, judgey people!

The problem is that she should be self aware enough to know that if her phobia is that bad she should not be putting her child and the public in danger. When I had severe anxiety that caused anxiety attacks for no rational reason at any given time (a good one: my friend’s car had windshield wipers that went too fast

If it is that bad she should probably realize her limitations and not drive. Especially with her child in the car. I have spiders that hang out in my car all the time. Every once in a while one pops down right in front of me while I’m driving. This is dangerous.

Not at all.

That’s all fine and good, but if she isn’t charged for jumping out of a moving vehicle with her 9 year old in it then she should never be allowed to operate heavy machinery again. If her phobia is that debilitating that just seeing a spider near/on her can cause that reaction, then she can never be in control of

And its hard to understand why someone who has a major psychotic break would kill someone they know because they think they are the devil. But no one would defend that.

How about “no charges on the stipulation that she receive mental health treatment.” If her phobia is bad enough that she nearly killed her child, we can’t just ruffle her hair and say “run along, you rascal.” Spiders aren’t uncommon, and she’s just proven that she’s a legitimate danger to herself and others due to

Was wondering how long it’d take to get the mental illness defense.

If her child had been seriously hurt or killed, she would have been charged and her defense would have been, “it’s not my fault!”. This is what you’re saying; they are not pressing charges due to the minor nature of the outcome, not the cause.

If your phobia is at the point where you throw yourself out of a car, then you are not fit to drive and should hand in your license.