That and a little surgery.
That and a little surgery.
Sure it isn’t so these young boys don’t decide to become Amy in a very real way themselves? It is Thailand after all...
You’ve just discredited yourself in my mind with your “white defendent” comment. Well, that and your poor women forced into it comment down below.
Jesus, there’s someone release every month due to DNA evidence clearing them of rape. I can’t name them, but I can read the news. You should try it.
So what? Throwing an innocent man’s life away or even a rapist in prison isn’t going to unrape somebody.
While believe it the minority of cases, it’s still too high.
I don’t believe that one, at all,.
Do grow up, or just be quiet.
The PTSD comment.
I have a reporter brother-in-law, who I told at the time this was a fabrication, who STILL believes something went on that night.
Which doesn’t include the problems of white men, no doubt.
Black “artists” do a lot to perpetuate the “ongoing stereotypes of black men as insatiable predators.”
Come on, women don’t lie about rape. I’ve been told so right here.
Only if the suspect is a woman. Otherwise it’s misogny.
It’s a privilege thing.
Only a woman....
Oh grow up.
Men are expected to suck it up and deal.
Pussy pass?