made the pickup


Welp, that tears it for me. Not another dime from me for ‘Sully’ or any of his older movies ever again. The empty chair bullshit was the opening act, that jingoistic, racist claptrap called ‘American Sniper’ was the comedian, and this is the main event. He can give as many racist speeches as he likes to the empty

And so who better to lead the party of cowards into oblivion?

NARAL and Planned Parenthood disagree with you. Kaine has a 100% rating from them. Is it drafty under that bridge?

his current 100% rating from Planned Parenthood and NARAL as well as his 0% from the national right committee say differently. Again thanks tho, cause if you want to keep going its only going to drive my comments up higher due to kinjas system so more people are going to wind up aware of the truth.