
Your comments are more intruguing when you don't use a fake Kinja account, Don.

let's all go to starbucks to discuss this further.

It's brave of you to take a stand against the brutal whippings of slaves in our country's past.

You let yourself get emotionally invested, hell we'll have a funeral for him and I'll attend with you cause I was shattered when they killed Noah! And the violent way he died was heartbreaking, I yelled at the TV and cursed all the gods while poor Noah was torn apart. He was just a nice kid

My cousin said the same thing about the Noah character. She doesn't even like the show, but she was crying when Noah died, because she watched the Chris show.

Guess everybody ate Chris.

I hated Noah's death. It was surprising and nasty and it made me cry. That said-I thought it was a good episode.

That bit was extremely excessive. They already had one graphic death of a character in that episode, I'm not sure why they had to have a second graphic death of a character that was actually endearing, as well.

I mean, I'll be honest: I don't get why so many liberals like the Clintons so much. They do have some good policies, but I've always seen then in part as the couple that sold out American labor the hardest in the 20th century.

In America that is always an option. Come sit by me, we can talk about the 90s.

Can I dislike Clinton AND the GOP dipshits?

Fellow Salem alum here!

As the graduate of a women's liberal arts college, I firmly believe that in this career-prep-obsessed world, the college experience still matters. There is value in studying a wide berth of topics from science and math to French and philosophy, regardless of your major. There is value in small class sizes and a

Madge I'm really happy for you and I'm gonna let you finish, but Częstochowa has the greatest Black Madonna of ALL TIME.

Why do people have to be "the black" anything or "the female" anything as if being white or male is the default of greatness? Kanye is Kanye and he's [musically] great on his own.

This obsession with having biological children is confounding and often strikes me as grotesque. Crazy Rich Lady is Crazy and Rich.

I've run too many NICU codes to be ok with this shit. I've watched too many infants die.

Except working from home also kinda sucks because I am at home right now and I am supposed to be working but instead I'm procrastinating here and there is no boss to tell me to get back to work.

And THIS is why working from home is so. damn. awesome.

"When will the white community leaders stand up and condemn this epidemic of serial killers?"