
@Priper: Bull-fucking-shit. You said "support your child" in the original comment about using a condom beforehand and now you want to walk it back and pretend you were only talking about nonexistant, hypothetical (speculated!) future children? At least have the basic intellectual honesty regarding the words that came

@kd_rome: I'm asking a hypothetical.

If we assume that the UPS store employee did not trigger the alarm by opening the package, but opened the package because of the alarm inadvertently going off... what would they really be expected to do? What would be the proper policy for dealing with a package that suddenly begins to emit ear-splitting noises?

@ps61318: It's back, more or less. Damn FOIA works fast.

@Curves: Since your comment is technically all about email, upon reflection I believe my original, redacted comment still stands — so I shall reproduce and embellish it.

@Curves: EDIT: Disregard my comment. I thought I was on a different story (the court ruling on 4th Amendment protections for email) and replied based on that erroneous assumption. My apologies.

I sense some Atkins'ish vibes to this.

@QLAB: Like I said, Church of Scientology is no worse for the wear. What Anon lacks is the willpower to keep up a concerted campaign after getting their initial lulz.

@bender123: Dutch prison. Plugging a hole in the dike. Done.

@Gillonde: Aha. That would clear up a few things.

@Digo: Zee proxies! Zey do nozink!

@Kraftwerker: Last I checked, the Church of Scientology is still standing. I'm sure Anon will get bored and pick yet another target when something shiny catches their attention.

@ps61318: A sycophant is an asskisser. A psychophant is a murderous pachyderm.

@Chernobyl: Given his associations... I think this is in order.

I was wondering how long that would take.

@Slinkytech: That would be because Anon's actions aren't classified government secrets.

@elkhockey8960: I didn't realize that Mastercard and Visa are massive cloud storage companies and successfully defend against DDOS attacks for their member sites every day!