
@disillusioned: If I recall correctly, Wikileaks moved to Amazon's AWS hosting after Jester's DDOS attack against Wikileaks.

...while is still up and working, it's only a matter of time until it's brought to its knees just like Mastercard's corporate site and PayPal were this week, after the DDoS attacks.

Now playing

This kid does 24 accents of the English language. Most of them are pretty spot on. Warning: his verbal repertoire is very NSFW.

Is this part of Gingerbread or will we be able to get the refreshed Maps early?

Still waiting for 4G/WiMax support before switching over to Cyanogen from Fresh.

@MyNameIsTooAwesome: I'm pretty sure that the blackout from the meth infused acid would indeed ensure that the meth infused acid was forgotten.

Resisting patdown joke... resisting patdown joke...

Their secret? Chemicals. Powerful chemicals.

Can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere and I go everywhere.

@Bwehngamun: Amazing. Comment of the week material, there.

@CaptainJack: Just as everyone has been claiming there is no right to fly without being searched, scanned and groped, there is likewise no right to fly unimpeded by people choosing to slow down the system within the rules to make a statement.

@bicoolioo: Your rights and liberty stop when my personal safety and security are at risk. it's like drinking and driving, do you think that it's right for me to get drunk and run your child over?

@Steven Callas: Like any bad system that exists in a republic like ours, it can be overturned via the judicial and legislative process.

@OCEntertainment: One issue. Can you cite a single case that shows the Border Search Exception applies to domestic flights within the United States? If not, I'd recommend looking at United States v. Romm (9th Circuit, 2006), which mentioned Border Search Exception within the context of deplaning in the United States

@OMG! Ponies!: The part where that's not what you said in your comment "Moreover, if you or anyone want to take it to the Supreme Court and get the Border Exception reaffirmed to explicitly include screening machines, have fun with that too."

@OMG! Ponies!: No, the administrative search is a totally separate 4th Amendment issue. I did not ask about the administrative search. You did not assert in the post I quoted that the administrative search could be futilely appealed to the Supreme Court, ending in the explicit acknowledgment that it included screening

@NorwoodIsMyHero: "Never worked a job" implies any job, not only national security related ones. And in Nevada, prostitution is a legal occupation.