
Holy mother of yes

Hahaha oh nooooo the end is nigh, bikini bridge is the ultimate weapon aargbblargh my hemp diva cup has turned inside out hhiiisssssssss arrrrrgggh i'm melting.

So. Right. If Brokeback won, racism, if Crash won, homophobia.

Uh oh. Judging by the comments it looks like the tedious contrarians have started the inevitable backlash.

Oh SO true. I just stay off the internet during Game of Thrones season until I've seen that week's episode. Though even if I watched stuff on TV that would be an issue as Americans get the big shows at least 24hrs before we do and can be very quick to post spoilers.

Psh TV scheduling is for olds. I watch all my shows at the funky cool new time of whenever the heck I want.

Fair enough. I'm a sucker for any sort of sad caterwauling in music, so I've got a lot of tolerance for breakup songs as long as they're not "Nyah bleh you suck I'm cool. Your dick smells. *guitar chords*"

I don't know that singing about heartbreak makes you crazy.

Oh my god. Hanging out on a boat in the glorious australian sunshine crab fishing looks like paradise.

Ugggghhh they totally spout this shit on facebook under their DSLR shots of quaint poor people in the favela they got guided around one afternoon on their four week trip around South America.

UGH the travel thing. Seriously.

All I know is when you're barely making ends meet but you still have a roof over your head and running hot water and a supportive family, any change you have in your pocket shames you when you walk past someone sitting on the freezing street with nothing.

Pfff not the way I do it.

Well to be fair it's only been a few hours...

Oh so Victoria Secret isn't a fancy schmancy lingerie shop then? We don't really have them over here, and I always assumed they were reasonably high end because of what a big deal the runway show seems to always be.

Can we PLEASE stop it with the Jennifer Lawrence articles. It's surely reached total saturation now. I like her as much as the next person, but all this frothing worship is so annoying and I bet she's sick to the back teeth of it too.

Indeed. I remember when I first started taking various hormonal BC and they all gave me depression, nausea, severely reduced sex drive, The Forever Period - all that good shit. I remember going to the doctor and getting shrugged at and told to wait it out a few months, then going home and looking up message boards

Saddest high five ever you guys. Can't even give this position a shot as I'm all scottish and shit.

Heck no. I do actual honest to goodness grown up art now and everything.

Yeah ok I absolutely need this. It will help me channel my vaginal rage into the digital realm.