
Anyone know if this is getting a UK release?

I don't care for the movie much either. I just really like Scarlett because she's a spoiled, manipulative, bitter bitch with a fantastic wardrobe.

Hah, I think I'd need to hire a rugby team to do my corset. Scarlett may have had a 19 inch waist, but refarex does not.

Oh really? Huh, I bet that's the case with a lot of the costumes, what with the Technicolor process resulting in such saturated colours.

Pff whatever, call me when I can buy the Wanton Harlot dress.

But stoner culture isn't cool anyway? It's faintly ridiculous. I visit headshops like a senator scuttling out of a sex shop at 11pm with a brown paper bag.

I coo with fucking DELIGHT over anything my boyfriend cleans. I hate cleaning so much while he doesn't mind it and in my eyes he transforms into a beautiful glowing angel whenever I come in to a room that he has recently cleaned. It's only three or four hours a week, and in exchange I do 10+ hours of cooking and food

Regardless-o, the title is still wrong. 23% go on to have commented long term relationships, they do not all get married.

I consider happy LTRs as much as a success as happy marriages, was just pointing out that the stats in the title were not reflected in the article.

23% have met a spouse or long term partner through these sites

It boggles the fucking mind. I hope at least the guy in the elephant costume thought that he was going to an innocent party with an african animal theme.

EURGH. It boggles the fucking mind. I hope at least the guy in the elephant costume thought that he was going to an innocent party with a african animal theme.

Well according to this Elizabeth was around #10 for both of those periods. Maybe you were in a very Elizabeth rich area.

I remember once during this discussion having a male acquaintance tell me "It's so stupid. You're basically choosing your father's name over your future husband's, and letting him know that you respect your father more than him!"

I dunno Laura, I remain unconvinced. She's competing with butter.

I don't like the breast cancer marketing save the boobies bullshit either, but a lot of what is written about spoOoOoOoky cancer causing products is media misinterpretation of limited studies.

A friend saw him get doughnut sugar all over his mouth once at the fringe so he's not that cool.

Don't worry there are a shitload of Elmos in New York.

That's a pretty sensible graft. Tomato/potato is just silly. Makes for a decent publicity photo, though.