
But... why? I don't know anything about Taylor Swift, but she sure seems to catch a lot of shit on the internet.

#realcatshavecurves #pussypositivity

TUT. Another unrealistic standard. How is my cat supposed to feel when he looks at that? No wonder he wont eat his food (if the bowl is not freshly filled) and barfs up grass and bugs everywhere. He has an eating disorder!

Put your arm under the pillow you absolute ding dongs.

That's really neat! I like making lil punnet squares in my head with hair colour and eye colour in families because I'm a dork, and that distribution could happen in a few different ways. For example if they both parents had brown hair both their eumelanin and pheomelanin gene pairs would be heterozygous, but it could

Robin Williams in One Hour Photo springs to mind. Very unsettling!

Aw yeah postoccupied and fearless bitchessss.

I've found that the people who are very vocal about their dislike for Lady Gaga are generally tedious dickheads.

Yeah tell me about it, I was really bummed too when someone told me.

Yes, and I would agree with people that Skylar was an obnoxious character in the first three or so seasons when she was dealing with a dying husband who was acting strangely - but since she has discovered what Walter has done her behaviour has been totally understandable and I have developed a lot of empathy for her.

Apparently we can forgive Walter White murder, egomania, emotional manipulation (through poisoning a child) and emotional abuse - but we cannot forgive Skylar her pissy attitude.

A lot of it has to do with misogyny, but for the first few series she was written almost exclusively as a problem for the badass protagonist so it was inevitable that most people (idiots) wouldn't like her.

I would put a lot of money on there being at least a couple of TV execs out there who can smell a reality show opportunity.

Yay happy story or w/e but your grandad was a fucking creep.

So my boyfriend has tasked me with buying some stuff we'd both like for the walls of the flat we're moving into together next month, and I am ever so slightly drunk and I MAY have just ordered a shitload of Dolly Parton posters because of this post.

In my experience, no. I have lived in major cities and small towns in the UK and in the two weeks I was in the US I got harassed more than all the times I ever had been at home put together. Like multiple times a day. It was obviously worse in the big cities, but was prevalent everywhere we went. When my niece got

Negative, I am a meat popsicle.

Their kitchen is twice the size of our flat

Except, y'know, about jews.

I always laugh when idiots think that spunk has hundreds of Calories in it. Come on people, think it through, if that were true no teenage boy would weigh more than 6 stone!