
I mean yeah in an ideal world everyone would be totally open and communicative about everything but it's hard to have a perfect relationship, and I don't think issues like that invalidate it or make it bad. Sure it's a short term solution for a long term problem, like the article says, but I don't think the women who

Nah I'm In the UK where HFCS is a lot less common, most drinks use sucrose. Still the same sensation.

I'm lucky enough to be able to come fairly easily, but some women just cannot orgasm during sex no matter what - right? And can't that put a lot of strain on a relationship? I totally sympathise why they'd want to fake that if it's something neither of them has any control over but that still is a source of tension. I

Yeah I get it, it feels less sticky. You also don't get that syrupy feeling at the back of your throat that makes you feel like you need to drink more that you can sometimes get with regular soda or strong tea, you know what I mean?

Please come round and do my hair I don't know how to girl.

Oh man that looks really good but you might as well be magic as far as I'm concerned. I think I could handle Step 1?

Genuine question, is there any way to wear pigtails that doesn't make you look like you're mutton trying to pass as lamb? It's a practical style but I just cannot wear it in public.

I'm with you - diet drinks are the absolute business, just don't be ordering a mixed drink with diet anything because that is just depressing for everyone involved.

I prefer the diet version of drinks a lot of the time. The sugary ones coat your teeth.

Those people are heroes.

Look if I'm eating untoasted nutella sandwiches like a caveman the bread better be soft and delicious not like this sad brown garbage in the header. I need like 3 cups of tea just from looking at it.

Grill that shit, girl.

Oh yeah I'm sure that's right. I mean something that ~90% of people do pretty much has to be normal and I'm one of the weird ones. I'm sure if I had a person be a real problem in my life I'd join the murder fantasy majority.

Nah not pleasure, just thinking about how exactly they would kill someone. I remember one woman was thinking in great depth about how she would kill an ex who had nude pictures or videos of her or something - I can't remember the details. The episode is pretty great overall so you should give it a listen, has some

I remember hearing on an episode of Radiolab that a shockingly high percentage of people (91% of men and 84% of women) have had murder fantasies.

I was actually just thinking the opposite. Unless you've never taken paracetamol or birth control or smoked a cigarette or whatever you can't really call anything that squirts out of you "organic".

help me

Oh man I thought I was being really clever by always opening an incognito window before typing "why can't I stop pooping???" into google

I'm meant to be waiting until Friday so I can watch it with the BF but I don't know if I can hold out much longer. It's like he's left half a mars bar in my fridge and I just want to scraffle it into my chops.