
I loved it because I was a mousy little chunkster and the uniform made everyone equally look like a sack of potatoes.

Aw yeah skipping around that mushroom was the shit.

I have no idea! I got kicked out in 1998 for fighting another brownie during a nature walk.

Former brownies whatuuuupppp

After listening to his radio show for a few years you kind of realise that Russell Brand is a pretty great guy in some ways, but in other ways is a complete and utter scumbag.

Aw come on, it really isn't cool to say stuff like that about things people can't control. Maybe a really nice person with self esteem issues about their penis will read this comment and feel utterly shitty about themselves.

Looks like a liquefy job on the waist. I think the deep shadow makes it jump out a bit.

I hate my Dad and only talk to him once a year at Christmas, but I still want to encourage people who are good fathers.

I liked the clip fine, but if the best we can do is 3 snarky articles and a youtube clip that is a mixed bag that's a pretty poor show if you ask me.

We're always saying that feminism helps men too, why not bloody show it for one day.

I was about to post almost the exact same comment. We should be celebrating fatherhood, right? Isn't the whole point that we want both parents to have an equal hand in raising kids? Shouldn't we as feminists be applauding good fathers on father's day as well?

I really don't agree at all. I think if it reflects anything at all it's involvement and teamwork, not control. If I have children with someone I love I think I would say "we're" instead of "I'm" too.

Completely disagree. He has contributed 50% of that baby's chromosomes and is 50% responsible for that baby once it pops out. I'd much rather the language we use acknowledges that rather than putting all of the reproductive responsibility on mum.

The dinner scene was nothing short of inspired.

At least Edward Penishands had a little creativity.

Urgh no way. I prefer porn to just cut to the chase. I don't even like the sound on because the fake moans and yes yes yes's are so bad.

No I queef Princess by Vera Wang.

Mine are already because I am extremely kawaii. I also shit gumballs.

Patton Oswalt just nudged out Louis CK for favourite male comedian.

Truth truth truth. I'm pretty much the same shape as the sexy plus size models you see but I am in no way beautifully smooth like they are in those photos.