(warning, this post contains TMI about my actual vagina)
(warning, this post contains TMI about my actual vagina)
Knowing her she'll probably be going for 40 year old single mother aiming for cute little girl, so it works I guess?
Karlie Kloss needs to stop watching those boob shading tutorials on youtube.
You mean my opulant golden mohawk is not punk? :(
Holy fucking christ. I can't believe they managed to escape. Her call, the neighbour stepping in, the family's history of questioning the police. It's totally gut-wrenching.
Nah me neither. For ages I assumed the feminine toilet paper butt-shield was a totally made up thing.
Can't get the final in the UK till tomorrow and if there are any spoilers before we get a chance to watch it I will turn into insane sorority girl and cunt punt you all.
I could totally get behind this if it was a ban on strapless wedding gowns. Those things are a fucking scourge
I can't wait to be able to bitch about generation Z and their internet dream tanks and their 3D molecular printers and their god damned entitled attitude.
Wow, what a pair of shit stains.
Charlie Brooker sums it up quite well.
I don't see anything wrong with teaching your kid to shoot at a range, but it being legal for people under 12 to own guns just seems insane.
Yeah something is up with that. Also they dip weird. :( I've never animated anything in my life so I have no idea how to fix it.
You get them in pyjama tops and swimsuits as well. Why yes of course I would like to have sweaty monoboob around the house and on the beach ty for this shitty piece of elastic.
Slightly related: I'm doing a little walk cycle for fun and have been struggling with the boob jiggle all day. Getting tits to bounce right is fucking hard. My boyfriend has been "helping me" by browsing jiggly boob gifs for the past hour. They are hypnotising.
As someone who doesn't fully trust anyone that doesn't eat mayonnaise I love the use of "notorious" here.
Memory, surely.
God I am so unsexy and untalented.
I fantasise about it in bed before I go to sleep quite a lot so I consider myself an expert. I think people would treat you like you were special and interesting for just walking into a room and it would feel AMAZING and you would become incredibly boring incredibly quickly.