
sorry bout the haters, mate. i completely understand why you'd want to clarify that you weren't a bandwagon AE86 ID fan. you got way too much flak for that

what we NEED is a game that is NOT f2p, HAS the graphics of AC6 or AH, HAS strangereal and not real-world locations, and HAS the story and gameplay of classic AC like AC4 or AC5. This would be the perfect flight baby

my fdirst thought too

AC4 is the game that got me started on the series and imo the best. So good. Simple and fun gameplay and an awesome story

But things are only fun when you just have to mash a button over and over! No one likes flying wherever they want to. The joy of flying comes from being locked onto a set path with action that has been predefined by the developers, rather than having your own awesome unique experience each time!

If you can see Ace Combat 5 in it, well, that's about as good as it could get

S2000 AP2

this car was my favorite in DiRT

I just want to ramp something off this

silly. corvettes have always catered to "rural" clientele.

I'm actually kind of glad. This will give the devs time to learn the next gen on Watch Dogs and The Division, then they can implement what they learn in R6!

yeah it's not battlefield, where EA forces DICE to make a BFBaby before they are ready and look at it, it's hideously buggy

I just can't wait to see what developers will do with advanced fish A.I.


oh my god what the fuck is this anime

yes. it has withstood the test of time because it is so unique and so awesome and so moving and so powerful. you won't regret it at all. expect a slight learning curve on the controls, they're a little wonky at first, but it's worth the controls for the experience. you will be impacted and you will maybe cry a little.

oh shit i never even thought of this brb buying a 3d tv

3:30 holy shit that face

ohhhh my godddd thats my wet dream. swbf with space and ground hnnnggghhh

i know exactly what you mean. i'm honestly getting sick of the whole FPS multiplayer genre, and what few FPS i still play are campaign- or co-op- oriented, such as Metro: Last Light (amazing, btw, play those games if you haven't, or read the book!). Team deathmatch shooters were great fun in the times of CoD4 and Bad