
I think it is a scam, seriously the emails above even contradict the statement of winning every 15min. It is more like you code may be a winner. This is onw winners list I would like to see!

Wow, no Zelda Skyward Sword?

This app is way to buggy and keeps checking me out of the gym causing me to have to recheck in and restart the 30min timer and then it still will not last a full 30min and amazing the first day it counted even though it crashed before the 30min mark. Both GYM's I went to had an incorrect addess and would say "Looks

I love the size of the iPhone. I just got the 4S after having Android phones for years and I will never go back!

The sim car slot is the difference, def. was hard to spot.

awesome, just need a small camera on it. placing my order now. :)

lmao, Goldeneye, is actually playing right now on USA network channel (which channel for you cable provider). :P

Xbox Live Microsoft — Keynote in a nutshell, if you do not own a Kinect you are screwed, no new features for you, and a new ugly interface that makes those premium themes you paid for useless....

I want what ever game has this, plain and simple. lol

i want to know how this guy can keep doing this and not have legal action taken against him. He did this to Trixie also and uploads the videos of the hack to youtube.

Reeal world RISK. lol

Just ordered mine. 8)