
Did you actually get your month of gold and in-game items yet?

This is actually Walmarts fault. The employees are actually only supposed to match Sold and Shipped by Amazon items. They are also supposed to verify the item. :P

Some what odd thing to do when the are entering the VR world with Project Morpheus . Home could of been a huge win with it.

So much complaining for nothing. This always happens with games and consoles. The only exclusive part is that the xbox gets to have it for holiday 2015. This always means right after it will be on other consoles....

This may actually correlate with a recent rumor of Apple trying to removed buttons from the iPhone. If they made the bezel with this, they would be able to replace all of the side buttons with something that would still give you a feel of the button but not the look (assuming click button behind metal). This would

Steam ID: reddsimpson

Luckily I had no issues.

Just turned Parallax off did not know it was a setting. Not sure why you background is coming out fine as on my phone and my gf's i5, the picture is zoomed in cutting off a lot of it. As for the buttons, it is just blue text and nothing more and in some areas it was not blue so you can not tell it was button (not

There is a lot of issues and must are being reported now. Such issues is the wallpaper resolution, huge gaps between menu sections (look in settings), large gap on left side of contacts edit, contact pictures are now circles, a lot of items are circles now, buttons are not clearly defined any many places, app update

Visually some items could be much better as in a lot of area there is a lot of empty space that could be used especially in contacts and settings. Folders are ugly especially with dark backgrounds and some items that are buttons are hard to tell are actually a button.

Amazon does charge tax depending on the state you are in. :P

I think everyone is missing the REAL disadvantage of digital games.

From home on a wireless laptop with a lot running. (probably not much more wired)

And put it up on the shelve early. :P

FAIL for Best Buy, they left the Netgear Price Tag. lol

So it seems like the only reason to buy the expansion is to be able to level up to 90 and have higher skill levels... Really what is the point in buying now if you can keep you current version and start as a Panda since everything else such as Pet Battle and Monk will be available without MoP expansion.

Del Taco is indeed so much better!!! Everytime I'm in Cali, I visit them several times. lol

I think it is a scam, seriously the emails above even contradict the statement of winning every 15min. It is more like you code may be a winner. This is onw winners list I would like to see!

Wow, no Zelda Skyward Sword?

This app is way to buggy and keeps checking me out of the gym causing me to have to recheck in and restart the 30min timer and then it still will not last a full 30min and amazing the first day it counted even though it crashed before the 30min mark. Both GYM's I went to had an incorrect addess and would say "Looks