That would require actually having friends.
That would require actually having friends.
Would it be possible to have a buddy film you so the viewer can enjoy the content and not be made nauseous by such amateurish sloppy self-videoing hmmm?
+10—-I was thinkin’ along those lines in my comment. Totally that.
I feel like I’m a million miles away; Sittin’ on some driftwood, on a windy bay. On a windy bay ! R.I.P. Rory !! Way too soon—-But never forgotten !!
+10 for a Dr. Strangelove/Slim Pickens bonus referenced comment here ppl!
A decent selfie-stick could’ve easily prevented this wanton destruction, too! Way.
Suzy CreamCheeze is my Cheezey Prune Princess !!
What thumbs ? (Came for the Daily $kaycog-pic. Was NOT disappointed!)
When will they come out w/ the Coffee & Cars (VERY!) Limited Edition ?
All I know is that my cursive (when I choose to use it) looks like fine calligraphy in comparison to what I just saw.
Wait, is she alleging that Twitter is somehow involved in a conspiracy against Stephen Avery? Because, ummmm. No.
27? Fuck. Pre-frontal cortex AND amygdala consumed by CTE? Just fuck.
Most surprising part of the headline.
Obama has less than a year into office and he is entering the, “I don’t care. I am not getting re-elected. I am going to do what I want!” phase that all presidents enter during their last year in office.
What about Brendan? I think he got the shittiest end of the stick and should also be getting some free legal counsel.
I hate Sean penn’s stupid fucking face.
If you find yourself looking up secret Netflix cheat codes, it’s time to reevaluate your life.
Damn man, that’s about seventy bazillion times better than some stupid old emoji ! Such panache, such je nes se qua! Such shit! WoW !!