
your point? new free content is always welcome, whether you get bored or not. this is such a terrible and pointless opinion

Just tell the game that your mom’s name is Martha and it’ll be working fine.

So Telltale is pretty much a shovelware developer at this point, right? Find existing property, shoehorn it into your existing format and boom, free money.

Wow. These people are frighteningly out of touch.

That’s an awful lot of judging based on one bloody trailer - I mean, storyline development, really? Also what on earth is a “non-merging adulthood person”

I found it immensely frustrating that Halo 4 came with homework. It’s nice that they gave a nod to the extended universe, but I was 100% lost until I cracked open the wiki. Even then the cast of characters and scope of events were a little bit too large and complicated for my taste.

Early in my web development career I pushed a major update to our website... Then our entire host went down.

More personal yes, but it’s too integrated with the expanded universe lore for its own good. Halo 4 & 5 are almost incomprehensible without a basic background in the novel’s and terminals.

This is still the best damn game trailer ever. Every few months when I’m on that Halo kick I pull this up and watch it a few times.

What lawn.

This is a very bad take.

Is anyone else having issues with Firefox and Kinja, like causing the browser to lock up and requiring force closing it to get it to respond? Specifically while scrolling up and/or down in the comment section? ARGH, this just started this week. Scripting errors, Kinja, do you know them?!

The Marines will be Valor of course. I guess the Air force can be Instinct, and the Army can continue to lick windows.

That’s not how military jargon works.

Male rape victims exist, and are real. Sometimes people make jokes about a traumatic experience as a way to cope.

She’s going down a path she shouldn’t be.

And boom goes the dynamite.

OP is simply in for a world of hurt. He’s home schooled, sheltered and comes from an fundamentalist background. His friend is free to roam the world, engage it and grow. He’s hanging onto antiquated ideals that don’t work well in the real world. Sex before marriage is a good idea. Many Christians make a big deal that