
The Elusive Targets have been marketed as one time events, that once they are done, they are gone forever. No other word on when the game is complete, if they will make a return, but I would not expect it. Those of us waiting may end up getting the raw end of the deal.

You are correct about the first Mafia. They had a separate freemode you could explore the city in, but it had nothing else besides exploring the city. I think Mafia 2 had time in between missions you could roam around.

You should try Distant Worlds. Every race has their own victory conditions (have the most trade pacts, most of X type planets), and then there are normal victory conditions (control X% of galaxy). You can play with both, or just one type of conditions. You can even decide how long into the game the conditions start

Just a question, but what do you think of someone that only rents, and/or buys used games? The game developers only received a single sale for either of those, yet can be played any number of times by any number of people. You statement could be replace those who pirate with used game buyers and those who rent a game

Chris, when are you going to start lending your voice to audio books? You could record yourself reading scientific journals and it would tame angry bears with how pleasant it is.