
I did, and that woman didn't look anything like Amy Schumer.

It was a Shawshank reference. However, I also have a friend who works in a prison and he confirms the opposite. Could be that we don't live in US though.

I was trying to figure that out but the article appears to use the terms jail and prison interchangeably. Regardless, I was making a Shawshank reference.

Hopefully in opposite direction.

I thought in prison all the inmates are innocent.

Haven't you hear, he was into the kinky stuff. And they have ridges, everywhere.

Why, he married a Kardassian too?

Why not? Maybe because one is a certified genius and the other is just certifiable.

Can't get over her resting bitch face though.

Billy Joel ftw!

Maybe it's time to give it a second chance?

We did. And do I have to remind you that Rose Byrne is in it? And Imogen Poots, Robert Carlyle, Idris Elba, Catherine McCormack and that Jeremy guy. Plus the soundtrack rocked.

I disagree and actually liked it more than 28 Days Later.

Ah, but at least you can pause it during all the naughty bits. So you can pull a pee-wee without pulling a Paul Reubens.

My god man, do you know the door you've just opened?

It just hangs there.

Or they could do an episode where they go back in time to find out where Obama was really born.

This already exists. It's called PRIMA Cinema and costs $35k to set up the hardware in your home, after that it's $500 a movie.

This series jumped the shark after the first movie.

Sandler… It's coarse and irritating and it gets everywhere!