
I think they're finally about to present us with proof. We'll see, but I still think it's a hoax.

No one wants to make a movie about the fucking Swedes!

Yes. In some parts of the world they're considered a delicacy.

Upvoted for name/avatar/comment synergy.

Could work as an anthology. But I wonder what the wraparound story would be.

And it would be rock hard all the time. Think of the awkwardness.

Does it come in a box?

She could play the Ripley from Alien, the Ripley from Aliens, the Ripley from Alien 3 and the Ripley-Alien hybrid from whatever the fourth one was called, all in the same movie! Now I want to see that. Someone please make it happen.

Ok I get that, and I can see where she, and you are coming from. My point, right from the beginning, was that everyone condescends. That it's a human trait rather than a personality trait, especially one confined to men. Also the way the terms is described would mean that one can read minds and can without a shadow of

Everyone who condescends assumes they know better than the person they're talking to, regardless of the sex of either party. But by this logic the term only applies when a man is condescending down to a woman, because it is an inherent fault or weakness in the male brain/personality/id. But change the sex of the

If you say so. In my experience people of both sexes condescend down to everyone else equally. But if that were true then we couldn't hang on to a catchy term like mansplaining could we?

So every human born, ever.

I liked it. I'm not even a big Jane Lynch fan but thought she was incredibly good and made the show very watchable.

There's this obscure actor-turned-director named Clint Eastwood too.

Well Spider-man 3 was pretty awful so that would have to depend on which movies you include in being directed by your "proficient director for hire" category. For example, I thought Ant-man was only alright but still better than two of Raimi's Spider-mans.

Disagree on the camp, agree on the Oedipal undertones. Hulk was just too serious for comic movie, not that there is anything wrong with that. However, in my opinion, Aug Lee was stuck too far up to realize he was making a family-friendly comic book movie. Complex movies that appeal to a broader audience is a tricky

Really? Because Hulk, Superman and 2/3 of Raimi's Spiderman trilogy were atrocious.

Don't forget Bryan Adams, Celine Dion… I'm sorry.

Why did you say it twice?

True. I get the impression that they all would be into making it (Chevy Chase notwithstanding) so that shouldn't be a problem. How long would it take to shoot the thing, a week or two at most? Plus, they could make it Wet Hot American Summer-style where they don't have the entire cast on set at the same time.