
It's a giant pickle, or so I've heard.

I made my English class watch Aliens once. If you have to ask why…

Yes, but tint the windows and the more 'respectable' people start giving you sideways glances.

Maybe you haven't heard about the VW emissions scandal. They could use all the positive press they could get at the moment.

As long as it still syncs up with Dark Side of the Moon we're all good.

Oh she'll outlive us all.

Happy Gilmores, starring Adam Sandler as Lorelei.

Dirty Pretty Things - much under-appreciated and introduced me to the awesomeness of Chiwetel Ejiofor.

Lol, and you're not far off.

Hunting permit #911.

You should try watching it backwards, it'll blow your mind.

Meth was an elective where I went.

Missed opportunity for a Halloween marathon.

Good luck getting LTE signal in Westeros.

He clearly is, I'm not arguing that at all. And with that I will bow out.

I'm actually not a Kiss or a Simmons fan so don't take my comment as trying to defend him. My issue is more with raging hate-on the commentariat has for him. Clearly he's a republican so this thread will end up with 700+ hateful comments. Whereas I thought we were better than that.

Or murderers, or rapists, corrupt politicians… The list is pretty fucking long before you get to Gene Simmons. But hey, whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

Well in that case where's the line start for this bandwagon?

Ooh, I knew I'd get flack as soon as I hit Post. For clarification, I was referring to Simmons and Ross specifically.

Boys have a penis; girls have a vagina. For examples of how they fit together see: Internet.