Seriously. Bored to Death? In a sea of perfection, he was perfect on that.
Seriously. Bored to Death? In a sea of perfection, he was perfect on that.
Jen Psaki’s face...
you’re exactly right, so quick to yell sexist but can’t shut the fuck up and listen for ONE damn minute. Hillary was rejected eight years ago, she spent those eight years becoming shadier and shriller and then she was rejected again. We have said over and over we can handle change, we elected a mentally challenged…
because for 8 years the ship was righted.
Tom Brokaw said that too and horrifying as it is, he’s correct, but totally abandoning Trump, the republicans actually liberated him. What a shitshow.
she offered almost nothing except some of Bernie’s ideas and that she wasn’t Trump - not good enough after the magic of the Obamas.
She’s run twice and been soundly rebuked twice - she won’t run again, she’s just not connecting and it’s too important to let her swing and miss a third time in 2020.
they also forget that Hillary schemed and scammed him, that turned off a huge swath of voters.
I think Biden could have done it.
yep, all the folks who roundly ditched her last election and didn’t give a rat’s ass about her experience and qualifications then are suddenly madly in love with her. The country is fickle AF and she should have been better supported from the get go, things should never have gotten this absurd.
Meanwhile her niece is a former Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model so decent odds Janet had the looks gene but chose to focus on other things. Good for her, we’re all the better for it. RIP.
Not Jewish huh? Or especially sugar-titted I guess? Well, I’m both, fuck Mel Gibson, it’s nice to see that his exterior is finally starting to look like his rotted interior.
you’re kidding...
Excellent Mean Girls usage :)
exactly, he’s immature, selfish and basically a 14 year old boy.
I think he’s very low on the aspergers spectrum. While I watched the documentary I was fascinated by his inability to look at people while interacting, if he did look at all it was almost a stare down, otherwise he had that schnozz buried in his phone the entire time. Though given his existence it’s not crazy that he…
I wonder if you’re not referring to Martyrs.
that was a really good horror flick with a twist I didn’t see coming and I’m pretty jaded after all these years :)
I’m completely on board with you - I love to fall asleep to them as well, there’s also something about the dark cinematography that perfectly lends itself it to-fall-asleep-tv. Have you seen High Tension?
Yep, in an effort to cover her own ass she fucked us all.