+1 for Office Space
+1 for Office Space
‘Executive Time’ = whackin’ it
Huh, I actually thought Season 3 was the last. The creators seemed to imply that they ran out of ideas. I’m happy they found a new idea. Hopefully it will be more of the season 1-2 vibe, instead of season 3, which wasn’t the strongest. I enjoyed it, but felt no need to revisit.
I’m glad the show is returning and hopefully the extra time will result in something better than Season 3.
Looked like a pretty good guest list. Then: Howard Stern.
You’re One Of Them Little, Uh, Fancy Lads, Aren’t Ya? With David Letterman
It was indeed, at least that’s how I read it.
Exactly. the coffee table is the stylish anchor to a room. sure, lose it during the toddler years, then get with it and replace.
It’s fine to have regulations. Hell, I am the type who prefers our govt. regulate things. But sometimes common sense has to prevail.
TBH, there were already a lot of ways to compare Ty Cobb to the tweets of a lot of these people.
I’m mostly shocked at the BIG GUBMINT OVERREACH.
How did I know the first comment was gonna defend the city?
Remember folks.
You think homeless people care about housing regulations when they are freezing on sidewalks? I’d say you’re getting worked up about the wrong thing here, buddy.
If he wanted to kill black people, why didn’t he just become a cop?
I’m going to be the pessimist and say this book will be 100% bull shit. I hope I’m wrong.
You try walking 50 feet after you’ve just eaten 3 fiesta taco bowls and 5 Big Macs.
“Do you know how hard it is to find a windshield for a Neon?”
noooooooobody caaaaaaaaaaares