Jesus...this is terrible, but there’s something especially insidious about smacking the glasses off someone and then putting them back on. The cycle of abuse in real time. Christ. Hope that girl’s ok.
Jesus...this is terrible, but there’s something especially insidious about smacking the glasses off someone and then putting them back on. The cycle of abuse in real time. Christ. Hope that girl’s ok.
“...They didn’t, because we (and by “we,” I mean my age group in general) didn’t do anything, really, apart from hold hands, sing songs, and pray.
These kids are doing something—and fuck anyone who gets in their way for being brave enough to stand up, and sick enough of it all to not be told to sit down and shut up....”
I am living your alternate life. Prius daily plus a fleet of (well, 2...) Miatas. One is a dedicated autocross car that is not super pleasurable on the street and the other is a supercharged, super fun street car. I used to have more engaging dailies/”fun” practical cars, but having switched to “full appliance” for…
You’re wrong. Filters are an amazing tool for sorting out the people who I know I will find absolutely unbearable.
Patrick, you forgot one of the most important don’ts. Don’t use stupid filters. No Suzy, you don’t look cute with that stupid puppy dog filter or flower crown.
If a Lotus SUV allows them to make money and build more sports cars, I am all for it!
It is almost like Trump is a wannabe dictator or something.
If an oil company tycoon is our only hope we might as well just kill ourselves now.
No, but I do tip delivery people.
But for that ending to work, you’d have to ignore all that Simpson DNA evidence. And that would be downright nutty.
You absolutely do not have an exponentially higher rate of return from your Roth. Please look up the definition of “exponential.”
Oh good, that guy is here.
this is a good post. I was dumb and literally didnt have a single dime to my name at age 35. Ive done my best to make up for it in the 11 years since then but, man, if i had maybe done a little less partying and saved even a tiny fraction of the amount of money i spent on booze in my 20s and early 30s my savings would…
Internet Liberalling 101: Eat your allies. They taste like purity test.
“When you’re a hammer, everything looks like an unreliable starter.”
I’d imagine it has to be something similar that goes off.
This is the most a Minnesotan Republican has ever cared about a woman’s feelings.