Why do her poll numbers even matter? WHY IS ANYONE POLLING THAT?? Why not poll my approval ratings while they at it?
Why do her poll numbers even matter? WHY IS ANYONE POLLING THAT?? Why not poll my approval ratings while they at it?
Sounds like overt stereotyping to me...
Good lord. The additional wood would be mine.
If it takes 10 years to damage the paint on a DD, most people aren’t even going to care.
I often use the full contact car wash during winter and never had any issues. It may not be the best for the paint but it is still better than leaving the winter dirt on it.
you just described the “ProjectFarm” channel on youtube. He puts all sorts of stuff into lawn mower engines to see the results. He measures compression before and after and shows what the valves look like afterward. Actual Science and results.
Isn’t Kevin Hart as Mrs. Doubtfire basically a Tyler Perry Madea movie anyway?
Don’t listen to Patrick. Tell her your relationship is at an end if she doesn’t quit. If she refuses to quit, respect her decision and move on. As hard as that may be, you’ll be happier in the long run and the children will be happier as well.
There’s your death panel Teabaggers.
Just want to say thank you for all your work, especially your incredible investigative pieces year after year. Deadspin is a great place for dick jokes and making fun of Austin Rivers, but for me, no author’s byline here commands as much attention as yours.
Only in trump’s america is “fuck nazis” a controversial statement.
Official That Guy™ Comment
Let’s all go easy on this guy, he just woke up that day feeling particularly economically anxious.
Let’s not rule out Mourning sickness.
I don’t need to create a new account now, either! Thanks for the number!
The Alouettes (7 Grey Cups) and Canadiens (24 Stanley Cups) disagree with you.
I don’t care at all about football, but I support this wholeheartedly if he promises to change the team’s name every few years.
Do you think facts matter to these people? They jerk off to Tillman even though he despised them.