Wow. Even by gallows humor standards, those are really not funny.
He’s gonna be the target of a small scale attack from al Qancer.
Check’s in the mail, friend
Is it bad that whenever these things happen, I hope to hell it’s a middle aged white guy just so Trump doesn’t have any ammunition to work with? I mean, I’d rather him sit there and not say a damned word because it was a white man than him have an excuse to hop on Twitter and start yelling from up on high about…
Fred Sanford of the 70s had major Ripple affects
The Browns: Like Depends, often covered in their own crap.
“it’s unclear why this is what tipped the scales into a “wait a second, maybe WE’RE the problem territory.”
I have absolutely no problem calling someone who was at the forefront of a bloody secessionist movement to preserve the institution of slavery an evil man.
He could also fall into the camp that sinks money into a car and then thinks they can get that money back out when they’re done.
Possibility 1: Belichick is confident that Tom Brady won’t be injured in the remainder of the year.
No details on the Supra? Did it run when parked or was it procured as a set piece?
What are these people all bent out of shape about?
He’s not hoping for the success of Trumps agenda, he’s hoping for success of the nation that is led by Trump. There’s an enormous gulf of difference here.
Cranston’s heart is in the right place, I can’t condemn him when I know he’s not a Trumptard or even a conservative.
Shut up.
I’m sure that this was all due to economic anxiety.
I took my driving test in a 1994 Dodge Intrepid. Very smooth riding with a decent amount of power. I’ll take a 19 from the catalog to go with my memories, please.
Why I’m Trading My $1 Oldsmobile For A Totaled 2003 Kia Rio: