
Can’t get a concussion when you don’t have a brain. Eli’s playing the long game here.

I don’t know what you’re talking about. The post-it note clearly shows that this is legit.

Michigan can’t get any worse than WI, having no AC is fine, as long as your windows work.

If his Play the Right Way Percentage were any higher, the Cardinals would trade all the American flag pins they own for him.

Given the apathy of the wealthy and powerful, I’m generally against the replacement of human beings by robots, but let those grandstanding, erratic balls-and-strikes umps go the way of the telegraph.

His Grit Above Replacement scores are off the charts.

You’re having a bit of a dummy-spit there, mate. What happened, did an Aussie root your missus?

You mean his changeup that he throws at nearly 90 MPH? Yeah, that thing is fucking filthy.

Like Kenny Rogers said...Gotta know when to Holden, and know when to cease operations due to global economic trends.

I’m honoured!

Also much easier to conduct said congress in the back of the van.

I’m all for Trump going down in flames, as long as he doesn’t take us all with him.

Buy a Honda Scooter. Faster and Cheaper. If you want spend the big bucks BMW has a high end selection.

Finally, the gritty origin story for Clippy we’ve all been waiting for.

If you miss your delivery, you better be Deaaaaad! Or in Jaaaaaail…

Interesting. It seems like these would be built to deliver mail on SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!!!

Come on.... you had to know it was something.

This is starting to feel like a trap.