
Is it not Mintch Trubisky?

I’d be really annoyed if I left my job because they wouldn’t let me do things my way, and then some other fucker came in and did things my way

With enough time...everything is hilarious.

“Hey grandpa! Remember that one time you got a stroke on the glass walk?!”

“Banana Banana Banana, Poop!”

“Hahahahaha, classic grandpa!”

They have their top men keeping an eye on it. Top...Men...

Donald Trump is not a cannibal. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a cannibal, but he is NOT a porn star!

Counterpoint... no.

I mean, I don’t know how much clearer I can be about this (I also don’t know why people dance around making this point): If you support Donald Trump, you’re a bad person.

Whoa whoa. You’re telling me that white people in charge of young black men and also profit massively from these black men’s talents would change the rules and not say anything? And then use the revised rule as a way of punishing said black men for going against the wishes of their white employers? In America?

Good for J.T. It’s about time some right wingers started protesting.

Damn you and your typo. I thought for a second there might be a new Model S trim.

“In fact, if he did have a gun in his vehicle, or was carrying concealed, he should be applauded for not pulling a weapon in a situation that didn’t require it.”

Yeah. The “angry white guy” hat is just icing on the cake!

But we Jalops know the #1 rule about cars. And that’s don’t mess with a person’s car. That rule implicitly exists because one has to rely on the law and order of society as, during normal daily use, your sweet baby can’t remain in your watchful gaze or out of the path of vagrants and ne’er do wells.

Are you seriously trying to make this about a poor picked on NRA loving man? It couldn’t possibly be because a middle aged lunatic climbed onto a moving school bus and demanded to be let inside. Nope, its because he was wearing an NRA hat. Didn’t even notice the hat until you pointed it out. Interesting how you zeroed

It was picked up not because of anything he was wearing, but a bit more to do with how he climbed on a moving schoolbus and went batshit.

what the trump, he’s got an NRA hat, why didn’t he just shoot the damn bus and claim he was standing his ground?

Oh man. You’re not really doing your fandom any favors here, my guy. Maybe comparing Rick and Morty favorably to GamerGate is not the best look.

“Look, about the ribwich, there aren’t gonna be any more... The animal we made them from are now extinct.”

I liked the ‘Marty’ part and thought it was an intentional trolling.

“Hey! Why don’t we, a notoriously unimaginative and penny-pinching corporation, try a fun and whimsical promotional giveaway which will appeal primarily to a notorious group of entitled assholes? What could possibly go wrong!?”