

Exactly. And why are we to expect computers to make the best decisions in ALL instances? We never tested for that in human drivers.

If only more leaders had the stones to stand up and say they dont want him to visit.

If you’d just said “I don’t like him because he is black,” you could have saved yourself a lot of words.

Well you sort of can. It’s just too late.

Whether it’s a hearse or an ambulance depends on how quickly you’re driving to the hospital.

HELL YEAH THAT’S MY NEW JOB NOW that’s what I do all day please send help

I posted Clinton’s response on yesterday’s dirtbag, but here it is again:

My partner says that once Trump publicly gave his version of their exchange, he waived the right to claim privilege. He’s the law-talkin’-dude, so I assume he’s probably right.

I (sadly) dated a guy in middle school who decided to call someone a f*g. Sadly instead of dumping him, I tried filling him in on why he shouldn’t use that word and asked him not to ever again. So he dumped me.

On the other hand, keep this petty bullshit up. Rather he focus on his popular vote loss than policy.

The White House, however, could exercise executive privilege and block Comey’s testimony.

Is he surprised? That assumes facts not in evidence. I suspect he’s pissed and upset, but I doubt that he’s particularly surprised.

If my survival depended on swimming the English Channel, I’d give it a go. I would not be surprised when I failed, but that wouldn’t keep me from doing it.

Duh? Did he not realize that Trump is a shithead like the rest of us did almost as soon as Trump started his campaign? Exactly why should he or is he surprised?

Ok, so I really like Austin. Been rooting for him since the truck series.

Reads “bitchin Camaro” in headline...

Personally, I would have gone with a different headline on a post about this study. Something along the lines of:

Officer: Do you know where you are?

Tiger: I would like to have a threesome with you and another girl you trust. 

These layoff announcements are getting more and more sudden.

I used to dislike Sato for that reason, but the fact he won is enough proof for me that he’s solved that issue. And heck yeah, I’m happy for him!