
My baby.

No Volvo 240? Who couldn’t love this face?

Turns out Troy’s a lady. FYI.

Just noticed your avitar. Are you from NE Mpls?

Ween fans are the worst. They make me not like Ween, when they should land pretty well within my wheelhouse.

I do this as well.

Years of cartoon viewership tells me that this guy is drunk.

I second this.

Please tell me this is trolling.

I will patiently wait for my Volvo 240 Select.

Walter? Will you be my dad?

As always, Ricky is here to set the record strange.

Tavarish, when are you going to write the post about adding the the aux/bluetooth input to a stock/classic stereo? This would be most appreciated for my Swedish Love Machine (tm) project!

Who’s disgusting Hockey chin is this?

Didn’t see this many wasted hours...and quarters.

As usual, here on Jalopnik, the answer is ALWAYS Miata.

The flames, I could do without, but I actually like this axe-wielding goat.

Welcome back, Wes!

Dammit. What has been seen, cannot be unseen.

Please tell me these are going to be coming for every MLB team.