
You win all the stars. All of them.

When is MLB just going to follow these guys around with a camera constantly?

Welp. I came.

My buddy is 32 and has been this way as long as I’ve known him. It may not be every 30 miles, but it’s not far off...

I literally have to ban my best friend from drinking any liquids on a roadtrip. He has the bladder capacity of a goddamn hamster. My 7 year-old can make a 4 hour trip without a problem.

The passenger who is always looking for the invisible brake pedal. My mom and my aunt are both major offenders in this category. Drives me insane! I know my car well enough to how quickly it will coast down to the proper speed!

Jeebus. That steering wheel is damn near vertical. Brutal

This looks bad enough on its own...

Prior Lake, MN. Why am I not surprised?

Cannot unhear.

Gotta say that I'm a bit disappointed. I think the comic implications of driving the PT for a year would have been golden. But, then again, I don't dislike you, so I'm glad you're not.

You and your fuckin' rope.

I would love to read that manual sometime.

I NEED a print of this on my living room wall now!

The answer is Drugs??

A running, kinda rare, interesting car in good shape that handles well and has a stick? For 2k? NP All Day, Everyday.

As a kid, I was a big NASCAR fan. Under the influence of my uncle I became a big Dale Earnhardt fan. After Dale died, I've never followed NASCAR the same way. Sure, I know some of the drivers, but it seems most of the field is full of guys I don't know.

Best things about being single on Valentines Day:

Wow, Drew. It's like you knew I was headed there for my daughter's birthday this weekend.