Red Bird

Ha! I’ll admit I enjoy being the generous soul who always gifts those cherries to others off my sundae (at no cost to me!!!)

I would love to see him win, and I’d love to live in a US in which socialist ideas were put forth and taken as seriously as tea party ideas, but I guess I’m pretty jaded from witnessing two decades of US politics as a voting, idealistic socialist democrat, so the best I ever hope for is a far cry from what I want &

Who else? She’s not my dream candidate but the rest of the democratic field is hopeless, and the republicans suck eggs, so HRC has my vote.


Yeah, but Bush lost that one fair and square and only got into office because they refused to count the Fla votes (and yes, I should get over it and my guilt at voting Nader. )

Realistically he's not in it to win, but to get press on liberal causes, push the debate to the left in a way that Hillary wouldn't and frankly can't. I'm glad he's out there but I'm not expecting to ever get a chance to vote for the guy.

No shit. I’m 40. Graduated college in ‘96. Will be done paying off my college loans in ‘22. These were loans for tuition, room & board. Not living expenses or a shiny laptop. Blech. I really hope that we figure this shit out before my kids are college-age!

Ew, gross. As bad as mayo in my book.

Yup, those are the nightshades. Cause inflammation, or so I’ve heard. And my carpal tunnel would supposedly be much better if I gave them up (along with coffee) but as far as I’m concerned, they are alltogether to lovely to reject and my wrists have to take one for the team.

So I don’t hear pink lemonade claiming she has it harder than everyone else, or that she is poor, or that her earlier struggles were the worst Ever, but a lot of these comments (not just yours) are slamming her pretty damn hard.

Rounding to the nearest dollar isn't exactly wage theft. It's 50/50 it's gonna help or hurt, and only by 49 cents, ya know?

I have no idea what we are legally supposed to do when someone’s authorized two different amounts, but we always go by the higher of the two. It’s usually less than a buck difference (since some folks can’t carry the one to save their life) and I’ve never heard of anyone complaining. If it was an obvious math error on

Yeah, I’ve seen servers swipe a card & not realize it’s not been read by the dang swiper, and accidentally let someone eat for free. A few times. Or of people forgetting to add their tip, like a million times. But I’ve never heard of someone faking extra tips on the customer’s credit card. How dumb is this woman, to

My mom basically put her career on hold until she was 40, after being repeatedly asked in job interviews if she planned to have kids, what did her husband think, etc.

While I do often find all of the above to be true of younger women today, I also find that when I dig just a tiny bit deeper, these same women have many of the same frustrations that are voiced by feminists. I think the real trouble is that for many young people it is uncool to come out and say that. The upshot- if

I’m sorry you get that kind of shit. Especially because I’m SURE I said & thought that kinda thing when I was a dumb kid.

Yup! Young women I know are not calling themselves feminist, mostly because of the “angry feminist” thing, but they believe in all of the shit I call feminist. And are pretty angry, btw. So I avoid the word, and just try to support them any way I can.

But feminism isn’t the Borg, ya know? Just because one article tilts this way or that way doesn’t mean every woman, human, feminist agrees. Sounds like you have a dog is this figt & good things to contribute, so I hope you can do your thing and let go of the idea that feminism is a monolithic entity. (And don’t sweat

Oh, he is! And he’s mellowed with age... Still very Christian and socially conservative, but in a loving, non-judgy way. He’s now very accepting of his now non-religious grown children, for example. Nowadays, he forwards me petitions to raise the minimum wage, fund sustainable energy & protect federal funding for poor

No kidding! I cannot abide those folks, getting all pissy as if the booth next to them cut in line or something when really they themselves just, ya know, wouldn’t fucking order already!