
Monster Hunter World. Close to 300 hours of playing so far. Last time i played a game this much was Oblivion. Funny thing is, i didnt own and run a business when Oblivion came out. So ive been playing hooky to my own company for the last few weeks. Even going as far as lying to all my customers about being too busy,

Dont worry my friends, once all the old people die, we wont have to deal with this kind of nonsense anymore as the newer generations become the old people.

I have it on my android phone, using an emulator. Runs perfect and is great to play every know and then. I cant remember if its DW8 or DW7 but one of them has dlc costumes you can wear from the first game. pretty cool

Its because everyone is playing Monster Hunter World lol.

Many of Saturday afternoons flipping through cable channels and i would always stop and watch this movie for some reason. I never could figure out why i was so attracted to it lol. And im 40+ yrs old so ive seen it alot, and yet i still watch it to this day!

I mean how do these guys find the time? I have it hard enough to find time to just enjoy and beat the game. And i have a huge passion for games. Yea maybe im a little jealous lol but seriously.....

Can you post some links to watch their events? Would love to watch. Used to watch serious Arma games and loved it. Way different vibe than Twitch, much better imo.

Microsoft was rated #3 most valuable company in the world on Forbes 2017 list. Right behind Apple and Google. Sony didnt make top 50 and Nintendo didnt make top 100. So i think Microsoft knows what they are doing. I laugh everytime i see articles about this stuff. Microsoft is the ONLY game company with a console who


It Still makes a better looking version of yourself. Im waiting for a CC to make the ugliness that we really are. Haha cmon dude, that does NOT look like you!

By that logic, Then Charley Manson is also INNOCENT!!!!!! Poor Charley never killed anyone lol

With the purchase of the Xbox X, it has completely reset my back log unintentionally. I also purchased a new 55" 4k hdr. I luv how the enhanced games look so much that games that are not enhanced just dont look attractive to me anymore. So i had 550 games digitally available, and now that list has shrunk. In a way it

No way William Penn is letting anyone from Comcast win anything. That comcast building is too high and Billy Penn aint havin it!!!!! >>>the william penn curse in full effect!!

What what what!!! Never touching Xcom! Thats blasphemy sir!!! :p

I was a herion addict for 15 years in new jersey. Ive got 13 yrs clean thanks to gaming. Yea i do game alot now, never gamed at all before. But gaming helped save my life. Plus methadone treatment, my quality of life has improved 300% and i even run my own business.

Wow didnt know that. I am in no way a liberal or sjw or whatever, but i know whats good and this site is good. Luv it. Read it everyday. Cant beleive people hate it that bad, thats crazy.

Omg you had to go and show my favorite pie!!! Im a diabetic now, and this is pure torture!!!! Im totaly serious btw :D

Im in new jersey and my sons has been playing nonstop for 3 days on the xbox one x with no problems whatsoever. Servers are perfect. That sucks its not working for you man, it must be regional.

I just got mine and all i have to say its amazing to play games like the Surge and Resident Evil 5 at 60fps. Even no mercy mode on RE5 runs a perfect 60fps!!!!!

Ah they arent even that big. i work in philadelphia remodeling houses and ive seen roaches so big that they could walk away with your damn lunch sandwhich single handed! They call them german roaches. I swear ive seen them goose-step and do the seige heil salute:)