
I agree. I was also shocked at how good the campaign is. Its actually one of the best campaigns I think I ever played for any game this gen! I guarantee over time the overall hate on this game will disappear and everyone will agree its a well made game.

Yea man I was completely taken by suprise like you with the campaign! Its actually REALLY good! Who would have guessed? it was such a great feeling too, when I realized how much fun I was having! My kid didnt beleive me at first. He said ohh infinity warfare is trash...I said ok, wait until you try it bud. After an

Its also on xbox one. it is a great game especially if you like Left For Dead. Ive actually been playing this more than anything else for the past two months, its really good man and the enviroments are excellent!

Im 10 hours in on xbox one and its been smooth for me. Guess im lucky although the blacksmith in Riverwood went missing but I eventually found him and his wife dead. The wife i found in some bushes and the blacksmith I found down by the bridge which I thought was neat because the water stream carried him. I think they

Hahaha lol so true. Some of the best characters in japanese anime/games are gender benders. So then who is going to cosplay these characters? Im confused ......... 

Exactly. Its all about Hugo Boss the stylist not the ideology. He was a clothing genius and people still wear his suits today everywhere! Omg! Yes folks Hugo Boss designed the Nazi uniform and you probaly know someone who owns one of his suits.

Hugo Boss. Its all about him not the ideology. When will people realize this.....meh

I disagree. I thought the episode was amazing. Too many people overthink the show. Ive been a fan since the first episode and always watch for what it is. dont think too deep man , just watch and enjoy!

I used to think like you but you do know about Blacks for Trump right? they have a Facebook page and everything. Go check it out. Yea it shocked me to. Apparently Trumps not a racist. Even Denzel Washington the great movie actor is a member.

Im happy to here youre liking Bioshock2! I agree man. I was one of the few who loved it on launch (never understood the hate..seems more of a bandwagon thing to me) anyway yea, thats awesome you found a new appreciation for it!!!!!!! Love that

I totally agree. Its one of the reasons I tend not to play MP. I like to be immersed in my games and hearing some redneck or little kid shouting in the mic just ruins it for me. Me and my friend try to roleplay as much as possible and sound like the characters we are playing. And the whole “life is cheap” “I die, u

I am one of the very few who beat the first game on the hardest difficulty. Heres to hoping the new one will be just as challenging. You can look up my gamertag: redbeard nj on xbox to see the achievement. Its my proudest achievement:) even the big dogs like Stallion83 wont attempt to get it ;) sidenote: playing on

What a waste of money. Some starving kid could have ate some good meals instead. Hillary supporters are just as bad team Trump if not worse.

If I installed one if these I would put the fan in reverse to blow all the smoke outwards haha. And then act like it was an honost mistake 😆

Rebel Galaxy. I recently watched a friend play it on his ps4. It was a freebie and thank god because otherwise I may have never discovered this gem. I dont have a ps4 so I had to cough up the 20 bucks for it on my xbox one.

I heard my kid one day joining in on a racists group chat on xbox and i flipped out on him. They were just making jokes but still... meanwhile they were playing nba2k so yea....its pretty nuts.

Buying games at full price.. I wont even think about buying my favorite game until it goes on sale these days. I never thought this day would come but yea im 40 and pre-orders are done too.

Segas bass fishing. Nothing has come close since then.

Is it available for digital download? Or disc only. If its digital then thats the greatest thing ever and gives me hope for Final Fantasy 13.

Just wish the console version had the tactics mode available. A missed opportunity man. Making teams of characters from the mp pool for a skirmish battle against A.I. would have been godly!