
If Skyrim sells 7 million copies today I'm sure it'll show up in the mainstream news publications as well.

Starts at about the 1:40 mark.

Err...4 days is still a long ass time. Pretty much a business week.

TF2 hats prove otherwise. LOL

True or not...they are supposedly releasing monthly DLC.

Except its not the same at all. Elite is a separate app from MW3 (thank god) and as far as I can tell, the actual matchmaking servers have been holding up quite well to the load.

As much as I am enjoying the actual game. Elite has been absolute GARBAGE so far. The site is so broken that a few times I've logged in, the site actually thinks I'm someone else. Basically listing someone else's e-mail address and linked Gamertag. WTF haha

This thread is pretty funny. I bet if most of you were being robbed at gunpoint or observing someone being robbed at gunpoint, you wouldn't be quite as gung-ho about joining the Justice League of America.

I can't tell if these guys are being serious with their "for justice" mumbo jumbo.

Such an awesome game...but also a very polarizing one. Probably my favorite PSOne era RPG. Too bad half of the CT fans hated on it because it wasn't a "true sequel" (whatever that means).

Yeah...regardless I was just kidding. :)

This article needs to be corrected. You only save $60 as that is not a HARDENED edition. Deal is only lukewarm.

Cool. I guess I was thrown off by the Elite website telling me that I need to play a game of Black Ops.

So can someone confirm whether or not I have to still have a copy of Black Ops/MW2 to be able to see my old stats through Elite and get the prestige tokens or whatever?

Just because you think something is a piece of shit does not make it a piece of shit.

real gamers? ಠ_ಠ

They are cutting it a little close though. Doesn't this thing come out in two weeks? I would assume that demo-ing a product this close to release would mean that the demo is pretty representative of what you'll see in the launch product.

Ah I think I may have misread the instructions. So this requires you to play Black Ops at least once (after creating your Elite account) just to import your data into Elite? I thought they would have just had access to the data through Treyarch already.

I think part of the issue is branding. When they first announced Call of Duty Elite my first thought based on the name alone was...oh shit they are going premium and going to make you pay to play. Something like an online pass.

You feel proud? LOL...I guess you're way better than us mindless drones who buy the game because we actually enjoy it (GASP). Pat yourself on the back. :)