
This part needs to be in bold:


Luke I think you need to point out something really important that is mentioned in the FAQ as regular joes will not read the fine print:

You guys need to update this post as its very misleading and makes it sound like Sony is backtracking. Another interview, this time with Jack Tretton that completely clarifies the (non)issue:……

According to Dan Race, Senior Director, Corporate Communications for Sony, Tretton’s statements were referring specifically to playing used games online. He told me,

According to Dan Race, Senior Director, Corporate Communications for Sony, Tretton’s statements were referring specifically to playing used games online. He told me,

So has Konami said if this footage is from the PS4 or Xbone version?

looks more like a shower drain to me :D

Persona 3 should be on this list too. Technically came out this generation. :)

Now playing

3:35 mark...don't tell me Jesus doesn't like him some sexy saxophone.

Nope people are angry because they purchased the Season Pass and/or bought the Limited Edition copy of Halo 4 and some of the extras is apparently going out to others for free (glitch or not).

Someone was saying that you could trigger it by deleting the title update and re-downloading. Worth a shot?

This in itself isn't a big deal at all. Some people are making a big deal because some people are getting things for free (i.e. crimson map pack and specialization unlock code) that other people paid for (i.e. buying LE version or season pass). The latter part seems to only be glossed over in the Kotaku write-up

FYI the non-LE people who are getting this for free are the people who received and redeemed the priority alpha code (unlocks specializations). Microsoft e-mailed this to everyone who played the game before Nov. 20.

You guys should link to 60fps video. (performance-wise) makes the game look a lot better.

Serious question...have Blizzard ever been considered "good story tellers"? The only single player Blizzard game I've played was WCIII and I thought the story in that game was pretty interesting (the whole Arthas thing at least) and kept me interested enough to beat the game even thought I'm generally not a fan of RTS.

I did watch from the beginning...just the first 4 or 5 episodes so far though. :)

I've only watched a handful of episodes (4 or 5) of Avatar. Didn't really strike me as anything special. Does it just take awhile to get started?

You guys might want to note that this trailer is pretty spoiler-y for anyone who hasn't played the first game...

Is the P4 anime any good?