
I have a feeling that Mike jumped the gun on posting this. Has anyone actually been able to get into Elite and at least view their previous Call of Duty stats?

There are plenty of people who buy the game and never buy any DLC or extras.

You don't have to pay for most of the stuff. Stop making it sound like you have to be an elite premium account to play the game online.

Page just keeps looping between the e-mail verification and refreshing Black Ops stats page.

Get a tablet. :D

Protip: Get out of the print business and concentrate on your online content.

crickets chirping...

Also...based on past experience with the original NC and the Gizmodo hands on with the tablet...the BN ROM sounds like it is still a sluggish mess.

Now playing the full version of the ad is SO MUCH better. How they cut this short version really makes no sense when you see the full thing. It completely changes the context of the video.

I don't recall anything racist about it but...ok

The Kobe one for Black Ops was much better.

Its not as bad in skullgirls because half the characters look ridiculous and that distracts you...but if you go check out his deviantart page...ugh haha

I'm with you on this one. These character designs are really unappealing to me. I guess I'm just not a fan of Alex's art. Seems like he has an obsession with giving big breasts to characters who look like young girls and are drawn in a chibi/SD style. Bugs me out. haha

Calm down. I was kidding. I don't even own the game. :P

Only because it would make the Xbox version 3 disks. They might be on the Blu-ray. ;)

This is strange. There is usually is a lot more "ZOMG...these should have been included in the original release" complaints. :)

You make a pretty good Furry Stephen. :)

I was confused by the headline. At first I thought this trailer was going to introduce the new Ninja Theory designed Dante.

nice comeback. must have taken a lot of brain power to come up with that second one. lol

Sounds like my post completely went over your head. Go read the actual article and maybe you'll make sense of what I'm poking fun at.