
Gorgeous but I want to see the console version. :\


Uh...its a joke post.

Where are the screenshots for this? Was the beta SD textures? Were the previous console trailers SD or HD? This is annoying...

It looks ok. Is this with the high-res textures or whatever they were advertising when you install to HD?

Whatever you want to label it ultimately doesn't matter. Its the impression the game leaves and for many it was a BAD one for me. The general public isn't going to care that this is 6 month old build or whatever it is. There are way too many potential AAA titles out this Fall where playing something like this could

I'll be the first to admit I am wrong if this game comes out and its an actual A+ title. I'm strictly making a prediction based on what I played and the reactions of other gamers on various message boards from people new to the series.

Does it really matter what I call it? I'm just pointing out that whatever this was it was a bug-ridden mess on all platforms and its kind of made a lot of us think twice about whether not we want to bother with this game once it comes out.

The "beta" (aka demo) did much to slow down the hype for some people (myself included). I expect that 8mil figure to be much lower as all the console gamers will probably pick MW3 over this.

Gorgeous...but I hope it doesn't have a dull story like Dragon Quest 8.

How are the controls. Chinatown wars was pretty unplayable to me...

This is a good thing. Based on videos, screens, and feedback...the game sounded and looked unfinished. A few more months in the oven is good. That plus it gets the game away from all the AAA titles getting released in the next couple of months.

Uh wut? LOL

You're not the only one. Just got to drown out the haters. :)

When's the XBL dash update with metro UI supposed to hit?

I didn't misunderstand anything. I simply saw LEVEL-5 and decided to post a blanket statement about how I do not like any of their games (that I have played). :P

I don't want Level-5 anywhere near a FF game. That studio is way overrated.

This reminds of car navigation systems. I thought it was neat at first but then I could never remember the commands or the nav system couldn't understand the words coming out of my mouth. Plus I would feel weird talking to the car when I had a passenger with me.

Was just giving an example. I'm sure there were some instances of it selling for more. But at some point the listings get flooded and the prices go down.

For those who don't care about these DLC items, apparently there are a lot of people out there willing to pay for them at launch. Helpful in recouping the costs for those launch buyers.