
This is not a good color theme. The images from June look much better.

The lines are pretty blurred these days. This thing is a "beta" in name only.

Resonating with who? The only people I know who still post regular status updates on Google+ work for Google...

Maybe your mom is sharing it with her friends. :D

Its confusing. The base limit is officially one stream for the stream only account (according to their FAQ and TOS) but Netflix support says it is actually two (which seems to work now):

What I'm hoping for is that they actually let you select a games only option. But they probably won't.

What's funny is that Reed is actually REPLYING to some of these posts. So many "OMG...I am unsubscribing NOW" or "OMG this is why I unsubscribed!" haha

The blog post pretty much addresses that at the end. No changes. You will pay 7.99 for streaming and 7.99 for one DVD through Qwikster. Adding games will be an add-on like Blu-Ray movies.

I thought it was already free. Or was that a temporary promotion when the Mac version was released?

Or nothing extra at all.

Is Dude Huge going to at least be there to take a photo with him? If not...whats the point?

I think he was probably referencing those DOA fan service "volleyball" games...

If you're talking about image quality...NO. I think that's what trips most people up. Since they are digital either you get a signal or you don't. A more expensive cable MIGHT last longer than a cheaper one but if both are working as they should there should be absolutely no difference in image quality on your TV.

Can we get ESPN3 for TWC? Its been like a year :P

Its the "cool" thing to do. Doesn't just apply to video games. should all go play Space Quest instead. :)

For the longest time I thought this this going to be more MMO-ish. Kind of disappointed that its simply a more open world L4D with RPG elements that's restricted to 4 players. Will probably skip this one like I did L4D2.

Hmm...I can't seem to find the review. Someone point me in the right direction? :P

I wish these games actually looked like their concept art.

I'm hoping they don't do something lame like hold back the multi-player content for Halo Reach owners to try and drive disc sales.