
Exactly. He's delusional if he thinks a 3K laptop is going to save PC gaming. This is the same reason no one really buys brands like Alienware. The PC gamer crowd are generally more into bargain hunting and getting the best bang for buck hardware when they upgrade. Plus...gaming laptop? Shudder...

Still waiting on Time Warner...

Just talking about the visuals obviously. It looks a lot worse than MGS3. :P

Peace Walker does not translate well on HD.

Now playing

the only time dubstep is tolerable is when its accompanied by a dancing indian kid/midget

Just started Brotherhood...are there any potential spoilers in this?

I believe you need to "Like" the Mass Effect 2 Facebook page...then you can "Like" one of the images to vote.

Redhead is winning. generic, a fiery redhead videogame character. ;) appease all of the people bitching about how she was a blonde? Stupid. Everyone vote blonde.

My circles are a wasteland too. The same people in my G+ circles frequently post on Facebook. The only people I know who actively update their Google+ status are actual Google employees or people who Gmail accounts who think they are "too cool" to be on Facebook. haha

Price drop and sales go up? Who would have thought? -_-

This actually looks pretty fun. Dogs with explosives and the return of the riot shield. woo hoo

It was one of my favorites as well. Although my brother would never believe me that it was a pretty well written/witty show. Probably because the first time he saw me watching it was the Luke's gay dad episode in Season 1. And he conveniently walked in right when the dudes were making out and Luke catches them. LOL

Meh...this isn't even as good as his previous videos.

The saddest dog on the web is always going to be some pug.

They should let you change your Gamertag for free the first time as a courtesy.

Now playing

You linked the wrong trailer. You should have linked to this Japanese one that actually talks about some of the new features and characters (billy and saki(?)). If you skip to the end there is a brief glimpse at the original Iori DLC:

Time Warner and Brighthouse customers still waiting on ESPN 1.0...sigh

The quality of the stream also seems to be worse on