
I want those 30 sec of my life back.

Kratos = Quan Chi palette swap. ;)

MK has enough ninjas as is.

E-mail, Facebook, Youtube, IM Client, Twitter, Updated browser with Flash support, and more flexibility in terms of what we can place on the home screen. I think most people would be pretty happy with just those updates alone and wouldn't even bother going through the hassle of rooting and playing around with

Watch the videos where they are together. There's a resemblance there. Its just that Freddie looks like more of your stereotypical nerdy asian while Jimmy looks like your stereotypical metrosexual asian. ;)

Good point. I didn't realize this movie cost $80+ million to make. o_O

And it had RAIN. LOL

I wouldn't be surprised if this movie did well at the box office. Look at Transformers 2. A garbage movie can make a profit if you stuff it with enough explosions, a hot girl(s), and general eye candy.

He went on holiday with all the donations sent to him for his Geohotz legal defense fund. LOL

Still waiting for a XBL release...

I hate to be superficial but this looks awful...

Not a big deal to me. Outside of the goofy hairstyles, that's all that really caught my attention. Obviously it probably means little to us if we're A) not a Jew B) not of the generation or know of anyone who fought in the war. i fall under both categories.

If the lead singer didn't wear that red armband I don't think I would have even batted an eye. The second pic made me think of M. Bison...not NAZIS

Hmm...I enjoyed the girls video from last time better. They looked like they were trying too hard with this one.

#corrections Err...your picture is of UCLA. Probably fitting since UCLA is the better school. ;)

Seriously...please keep the spoilers out of the article previews. Not all of us have played Extraction.

Beat both DS and DS2 but never played extraction. Do I need to play that game to understand what's going on in this? I know its on PSN...

Interesting. I've been seeing a few posts on various forums that seem to indicate that the demo is from an unfinished build of the game. Maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised when the final game comes out and they implement more DX11 stuff?