
I think part of it is the the PC version does not have the high quality textures included as part of the demo. Personally, I think at the very least the character models in the console versions look improved in the kotaku video.

Happy to hear some of the more positive reactions on here. Was on GAF and pretty much most of the reactions to the demo have been negative. Mostly PC users talking about how the game looks like shit. LOL

Can we have a proper Leisure Suit Larry sequel?

Sorry but they did dumb down Mass Effect 2. That's a fact. Whether or not that made the game better is an opinion.

Why single out the Japanese? There are plenty of westerners who continue to buy these games over and over again as well.

Seems like every popular fighting game now has a luchador or has had one in its lineup at some point in time. haha

Kind of looks like the 360 NXE.


I cannot take Felicia Day seriously in a role like this. She just looks too harmless...

Umm...the trailer is effectively playing backwards.

Clone Wars is actually pretty good...

"For him, it's possible that MvC3 isn't balanced in the same way that MvC2 is for tournament play"

The SF4 results screen at the end was a nice touch.

I hope Shang Tsung has his MK2 outfit. He was so cute with his little chinese cap.

Pretty sure thats the same sound effect from the original MK games...

Sounds more like a tongue in cheek response to me than an accident. Especially with the battleship comment in there.


Uh...why is there an award for most anticipated game? LOL

@George Lampard: I think you totally missed my point. I'm not talking about how long games are in development.

@darkboy1200: Uncharted 3. Gears 3 . I also expect a new Call of Duty.