
@ScratchButt: geoffkeighley tweeted about it being cancelled. Does that count? haha

Still seems like companies have not learned to space their games out better...

I don't really know anyone who owns a PS3 who regularly visits Home.

@excaliburps: Amazon. Cyber Monday Lightning deal.

No mention of NBA2K11 for 29.99?

Now we can have Iron Chef battles with Fuerte. Woo hoo...

Max Payne anyone?

I think the addition of armor abilities really hurt the map design for Halo Reach. Everything just plays the same now.

@skadoosh: You're half right. You can't have more than two of those devices streaming at the same time.

@ihaveascreenname: Ah thanks...I think the article was updated after I read it. Good to know!

framerate looks terrible on the first video...

@Sweatypitts: Sounds like you haven't played Black Ops. :)

She-hulk + Hulk

@notrock: Prettttty sureee its Ice Cube. Although the radio chatter in MP DOES sound like Ice T?

@notrock: Isn't it Ice Cube?

@out-phaze: Still totally missing the point...

"But...but...he's just standing there doing nothing!"

@Kimochi Sama: I think you have bigger problems if you can hear your neighbor taking a dump from your living room...

@Vyse24: Was it in front of Miyamoto? If not then it does not count. ;)