
@dmcshinobi: hold me closer Tony Danza: It makes them feel less special. Its like finding out the homecoming king also gets good grades and scored higher on his SATs than you. ;)

@Superlocke: Uhh...what if you haven't played the demo. LOL

I tried watching this off Xbox Live. Maybe it was just the dubbing but I turned it off after 5 minutes...but maybe that was the point?

@Grimm808: If true, you should have got this on tape and sold it to one of those dumb gossip blogs.

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound? haha

Can anyone confirm that ESPN now works with TWC customers through XBL? It was working via as of last Monday but never worked (that I know of) through XBL during the beta.

@Odb718: Probably getting grouped with the ladies.

@Ueziel: You could do the stupid farting and dancing in Fable was pretty ridiculous...LOL

@Sébastien Tremblay: I believe in one of their weekly updates they said there would not be separate playlists and matchmaking would be able to work out who has the maps and who doesn't and adjust accordingly.

@Gnarkiller: Then one of the Godwinn Brothers? :D

Mean Mark? The Undertaker?

Sad how his career ended because of shitty Goldberg.

This is like Castle Crashers all over again...

@RSIxidor: Actually, some of the Firefight maps look like they might be interesting for smaller slayer matches.

@dtalon03: Fair enough. I would still like to have maps (that aren't remakes and that aren't forge world) that look and play different from what's already in the game. Especially if the DLC is going to be so expensive.

@The SmacK: The 360 beta just requires you to redownload the updates for apps like Zune, ESPN, Netflix, etc. every time a new dash update is out. I don't think there have been any changes to Netflix since the start of the least nothing noticeable.

@mean_mr_mustard: +1. The Starz Play content is seriously worse than DVD quality...