
I was hoping that we had gotten rid of the smelly gamer stereotype by now...

It looks like a cake...sort of.

@Nethlem: He probably just meant that there weren't video games in his household when he was growing up. I don't think he's insulting you. Some people have other hobbies you know? :P

LOL...idiots. Let's rob a place where people already know us and have our information on file.

@iKiddo: It doesn't completely ruin it...but yes it sucks when a bunch of people on your team drop out and you have to play under-manned.

@Thomas Bates: Ah...I totally never noticed this haha.

I think a disconnect % stat like Capcom uses in Street Fighter 4 or a special emblem next to their gamertag would suffice. That would warn your team of a potential rage quitter and you can just decide for yourself if you want to drop out or stay in the game before the match starts.

Dude's rocking a power glove.

@Thomas Bates: What's this signature assault rifle you speak of?

@Resuriko: If he looks like anyone its Heath Ledger.

blue screen needs to be bluer.

I'm not normally a fan of the RTS genre but War Craft 3's story kept me interested enough to finish it.

If its doing anything I can't tell. Then again I haven't experienced the crippling performance on my 3G that a lot of people have reported...

This is a kind of a given. Lots of people buy Wiis but the attach rate for most of the casual crowd is probably pretty horrible.

@kingmanic: Ah...Thanks. Maybe multi-player will be a possibility for me then. Although I don't plan on picking this up until later. By then all the noobs may have moved on haha

@yargh: That's kind of like half of the online population. :)

I know I'd get wrecked if I played this online. The learning curve seems to be a lot more steep than say a FPS or fighting game. You can't really mash buttons or get a lucky head shot for a victory.

@mindsale: Don't buy the games then? :)

@GreasyRibs: You wish. Its like steam where you can pre-download the game before official release but need a key to actually unlock and play.

Look at all these MMOs trying to lure you you in with CG.